Стикеры по тегу cyber security

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In today’s phase, software applications have found a universal approach for individuals and organizations reflecting software development. It offers

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As technology is revolutionizing various industries, the threat of cyber-attacks has also increased. To stay safe in this tech-savvy world, it has become essential for people, businesses, and organizations to understand the benefits of cybersecurity.

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CyberDisti is a Value-Added Distributor (VAD) of Network and Cyber Security products, headquartered in UAE with offices in Dubai and Kerala(Kochi), India region.

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SOVA Virus
10POINTER- The new mobile banking 'Trojan' virus -- SOVA -- which can stealthily encrypt an Android phone for ransom and is hard to uninstall is targeting Indian customers.

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Data Security for the Digital Business
Data loss and leakage can be very expensive mistakes for any company. The question is – do you have a data-aware culture to prevent them? How to do that?

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Who Goes There? Overcoming the Password Problem
Passwords are neither easy to create, nor easy to manage. Lifecycle issues also weaken this security posture. Can we rethink identity management then? How?

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